
The Duncairn

Putting arts at the heart of North Belfast since 2014, come and see what’s going on in Belfast’s Cultural Quarter!

The Duncairn Art Shop: A Reintroduction

The Duncairn Art Shop: A Reintroduction


We thought it was about time again to highlight the wonderful creatives and creations that are in the Duncairn Arts Shop - and to remind everyone about the where, when and how!

Now open Monday-Thursdays 8am-5pm and Fridays 8am-3pm, the Duncairn shop is located in between the reception area and the cafe, right beside the stairs. You can access it through the door on the left as you walk in to the cafe - follow the trail of plants!

We have some amazing and affordable prints, clothing, crochet creations, cards, wood crafts, jewellery, books and more made by local artists and crafts people. Many of the artists have started their journeys here at the Duncairn, through workshops and classes, so we love supporting them as they continue on their creative paths by giving a space in the Duncairn to sell their work. So don’t forget to pop you’re head around the corner the next time you’re coming for an event, concert or something to eat in the cafe.

You can now pay both in cash or with your card. Gift vouchers are also available. Ask at reception if you’re interested in picking something up and someone from the Art Team will come down to you!

Space is limited but we are interested in setting up a directory of artists and craftspeople for future additions to the shop. Please email liadain@174trust.org and spread the word.


Some of our artists below: Lucy Turner Linen Prints, Bheann Mhadagain and Michael Reid woodwork, Redsmith’s Forge, Empathy Creations Jewellery.

The Duncairn Creative Collective - Creativity in Community

The Duncairn Creative Collective - Creativity in Community

The next generation of storytellers

The next generation of storytellers